5 ways monitoring stations can make security system installation easier

By Farsight Security
05 Feb 2014 4 min read


Inevitably, every security system installation will throw up issues for engineers to tackle. No doubt you’ll have a plan of action to keep things running smoothly – especially if you take advantage of the support a monitoring station has to offer. Here are five ways monitoring stations can make your job, as an engineer, a little easier.

Remote monitoring stations should:

1. Simplify the commissioning process

The Farsight remote monitoring station

One commissioning bugbear for installers is going by a security-monitoring station’s timetable in order to connect a new site. It can become lengthy and tedious, especially with connection paperwork on top. Opt for a monitoring station that makes the connection process simple. Central security-monitoring stations that offer downloadable connection paperwork make the process quick and simple. There will be no need to make appointments to connect new sites. Simply download, fill out and fax or email the connection paperwork across.

2. Help you maximise your time spent on-site

Security system installation demands dedicated time on-site. Whilst you’re on-site you want to spend your time ensuring the installation is positioned, configured, performing and, of course, commissioned correctly. So when you send the connection paperwork across to a monitoring station you want everything to be up and running as soon as possible. Look for a monitoring station that sets up connections in under ten minutes and prioritise engineers that are in site attendance.

3. Offer technical support

Make the most of technical support directly from the monitoring station. There’s no need to undergo the lengthy and convoluted process of contacting manufacturers for support. Make sure your access to this knowledge and expertise in security systems is free. High quality monitoring stations will have invested in getting testing demo equipment directly from the manufacturers. For example, at Farsight we’ve put together specialist crib sheets so we know the ins-and-outs of the unique setup procedure for all of our supported devices.

Flexibility is also a priority when you’re completing a security system installation. Some engineers want the ability to connect intruder sites without having to contact the central station at all. Choose a monitoring station that offers support but also gives engineers the opportunity to create and test sites independently.

4. Allow you to track your installations

Being unaware of any faults that arise can be seriously detrimental to the security of a site and cause bigger problems in the long run. Ensure the monitoring station is entirely transparent when it comes to on-site faults and issues. Ticketing systems can be a huge bonus as they track all site faults, so ensure you have access to one. Ticketing systems should allow installers to view their sites and any problems, add notes and resolve issues once they have been fixed.

5. And give you confidence in your choice of monitoring station

As an engineer your primary concern is the installation of security systems. But you want those security systems to be effective for the customer. By working with a central monitoring station that provides exceptional service you can feel confident that your work will be supported to the standard it deserves. Choose a monitoring station that answers alarms according to the BS8418 minimum (here at Farsight we’re proud of the fact that we answer each alarm in under 90 seconds, exceeding that standard). Ensure each alarm will be dealt with individually and that the monitoring station will dedicate time to finding the true cause of an alarm. For example, we make use of adjacent cameras.

Engineers want to spend their time efficiently. With these five tips engineers can optimise the work they do and make the most of the support offered to them by monitoring stations.

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